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Technical guideline on environmental impact assessment for river water quality

This project is aimed to review river water quality assessment methods and to provide a consistent technical guideline for development projects to evaluate their river water quality impacts caused by constructions and operations. Several achievements are obtained in the project, including: (A)to conduct three public hearings and symposiums in different regions and to revise the technical guideline draft according to the comments collected from the hearings and symposiums. (B) to investigate the local river characteristics and the model parameters. The standard procedure of river water quality assessment in EIA is provided as well. (C) to demonstrate six realistic cases with the proposed assessment methods. (D) to suggest the expert list of the consultant group of river water quality assessment, and to held two training seminars for river water quality models. (E) to complete model training materials for HSPF, QUAL2K, SWMM, and WASP models. (F) to discuss the necessaries of establishing technical guidelines on other type of waterbodies, such as ocean, lake and reservoirs, and groundwater.
Water Quality Model, Environmental Impact Assessment, Technical guideline